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New Castle Hotels & Resorts Launch Guest Satisfaction Survey

New Castle Hotels & Resorts, a leading third-party manager and hotel ownership and development company, has launches UniFocus' GUESTScope guest survey systems in all independent properties in the company's portfolio.

A survey technology for gathering and evaluating guest feedback, GUESTScope has been in use at New Castle's Brookwood Inn, Woodcliff Hotel and Spa, the Craftsman Inn, and in the three Signature Resorts the company manages on behalf of the Province of Nova Scotia - Digby Pines Resort, Keltic Lodge and Liscombe Lodge. GUESTScope uses questions scientifically designed to increase guest response rate. Gathered data provide properties with an assessment of guest satisfaction, and assist in creating strategies to improve employee performance and guest satisfaction.

"We've had great success partnering with UniFocus to use GUESTScope at our independent properties," says Gerald P. Chase, chief operating officer for New Castle. "Not only do we find out how we score based upon history and how that relates to comparable properties in the marketplace, but this information is also correlated with other key indicators, such as employee engagement. These results serve to validate our culture of instilling ownership in every team member to create more satisfied guests."

"Our guest satisfaction has greatly improved because we can now find out and respond to guest issues quicker," says Rene LeBlanc, general manager for Digby Pines Resort. "GUESTScope provides query data and monthly reports that enable us to know exactly how we're doing in the guest experience and what matters most to them. Most importantly, they appreciate getting a personalized, instantaneous response to their feedback and know that not only do we care about what they think, we take commensurate actions."
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