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NAVIS Launches Advanced CRM Database Marketing System for Hotels and Resorts

NAVIS has announced the launch of its new NAVIS REACH data marketing CRM solution. NAVIS REACH is an easy-to-use CRM tool that enables lodging operators to increase revenue by combining data from separate systems to create and execute targeted, effective email campaigns, and track results in real time.
NAVIS REACH is based on 25 years of experience in the lodging industry. The system captures guest information and lead data from multiple sources that include the property management system, external lists, the NAVIS Narrowcast solution, and/or other sources. REACH cleans and de-dupes the names, removes pre-bookings, and automatically groups people into households in real time. Once the data is captured, NAVIS REACH provides easy-to-use tools to generate lists from the combined data, execute email campaigns, and track results.  Operators may pick from multiple NAVIS email templates, or build their own email format. The result is a streamlined email marketing process that is efficient, provides detailed reporting, and delivers more revenue for lodging companies.
NAVIS REACH was designed from its inception to be one of the industry’s most powerful data gathering systems. It identifies the right people you want to contact at the right time.  Operators can compile actionable, revenue-generating marketing lists based on stay dates, lifetime value, average daily rate, loyalty and many other criteria. The system’s high-value lists deliver excellent responses resulting in significantly higher revenue. Campaigns include automated pre-stay, mid-stay and post-stay e-mailings, as well as automated lifecycle messaging - all with NAVIS’ Best Practices and business coaching to help lodging companies be more successful.
What makes NAVIS REACH a stronger data marketing system than other solutions is its ability to execute complex queries against data from multiple sources to deliver actionable results in real time.  Email list criteria may include the following data search examples to create targeted marketing instruments:

All high-value guests who booked during this week last year for Spring Break who have not booked this year.
All lead turndowns due to availability during the 2nd week of November last year who were booking for a Christmas stay but have not booked this year.
All bookings during this week last year for guests with a demographic profile of 3 who have not booked this year.
Everyone that was sent an email last week who opened it.
All Gold level guests with an ADR greater than $500 who came during the week of the wine festival last year but have not booked this year.
Flexible Tools: NAVIS can create email lists, or operators do their own with NAVIS’ assistance
NAVIS will assist operators by providing its email database experts to create the most powerful lists, or operators can have their own team generate their lists. Operators can use NAVIS REACH to build lists from NAVIS’ CRM, design their own emails, preview, test and schedule email campaigns. Whichever option operators select, NAVIS’ experienced client advocate coaches will be available to ensure success.
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