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Le Boulanger Streamlines Catering Ops across 17 Locations with MonkeyMedia

Le Boulanger has selected MonkeyMedia Software's MonkeyCatering tool to enable end-to-end visibility and control over the bakery chain's catering business. With 17 units located in California's Silicon Valley, Le Boulanger is a family-owned and operated bakery café concept that was founded by brothers Roger and Dan Brunello in 1981. Having learned the art of baking from their Italian-native father, Paul Brunello, Roger and Dan carry on the essential family tradition of selling freshly baked bread still warm from the oven.
Le Boulanger experienced a significant increase in its catering business during the technology boom in Silicon Valley nearly 10 years ago and has continued expanding ever since. As a byproduct of this success, Le Boulanger began to experience "growing pains" in the last couple of years, with all 17 locations managing their catering operations independently. "Some of our biggest challenges were managing quality control and maintaining consistency," says Dan Brunello, president, Le Boulanger. "Since every retail location received and fulfilled orders individually, it was difficult to ensure that each customer was provided a consistent experience every time they ordered."
Le Boulanger needed to extend visibility across all its catering operations -- from the back-end order production activities to the front-end customer service and delivery activities. The bakery cafe researched its options and selected MonkeyMedia Software as the only provider that offers the end-to-end capabilities it needed to increase efficiency in every area of catering operations.
Balancing centralized control with distributed execution, MonkeyCatering will provide the end-to-end functionality Le Boulanger needs to efficiently manage every step of the catering process. Instead of trying to organize all 17 locations individually, a single call center will take orders and manage the customer database, minimizing up-front capital expenses and taking advantage of economies of scale. Each location will access its own detailed order information and customer data to make the production process seamless; from receiving the order and producing it, to packaging it and delivering it to the customer on time and in perfect condition.
Increased customer service with customized database tools
With MonkeyCatering providing a comprehensive platform to help manage Le Boulanger's catering business, managers will have more time to engage in high-level, customer-focused activities while increasing the company's efficiency. The centralized customer database will allow Le Boulanger to track key information such as the preferences and order frequency of its customers. The database will also track sales calls and other marketing activities, allowing Le Boulanger to monitor the effectiveness of its sales activities.

"We look forward to seeing the transformation within our order management and fulfillment processes after implementing the MonkeyCatering solution," says Brunello. "Many of Le Boulanger's catering customers are B2B, and we know that MonkeyCatering will allow us to better meet the more complex requirements of their orders."
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