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Hyatt and Orbitz Maintain Top Spots in Web Performance

Looking at the July numbers – arguably one of the peak months for travelling – we see both the Intercontinental and Holiday Inn brands experiencing high volatility on their home page performance. Most other hotel names on the Keynote US Lodging Performance Index remained fairly consistent. Hyatt and Orbitz once again remained at the top of the index with the fastest home page performance times – 1.34 and 1.4 seconds respectively.
The variation in performance for Intercontinental and Holiday Inn were due to changes in the “First Byte” response times. First Byte is a good indicator of server delay times. It measures the time from the initial request to the time the first packet from that request is received.
Both sites also experienced the same variation and high First Paint times (the time before a visitor actually sees content beginning to appear on screen), forcing users to wait over six seconds before being shown any content on the home page.
Harrah’s is still languishing at the bottom of the Index since its May redesign.
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The Keynote Lodging Performance Index measures and benchmarks the performance of the home pages of the major hotel and travel booking sites from the ten largest US metropolitan areas (Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco and Washington, DC) on high-speed links attached to key points on the largest US Internet Service Provider (ISP) backbones. Sites are measured every fifteen minutes.
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