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Hotel Gets 50 Percent Utility Rebate with Energy Efficiency

Last November, Buffalo's famed Salvatore's Grand Hotel became the first hotel in the world to benefit from a joint technology partnership between ZENO Controls LLC and its subsidiary Verve® Living Systems. Using the wireless Verve® Keycard Switch (enabled by EnOcean energy harvesting technology) to communicate with room PTAC-air conditioners and bedside lamps via the ZENO gateway with InnPoint Software, Salvatore's Grand Hotel was able to dramatically reduce its overall energy consumption. Today, property owner Russell Salvatore is reaping the rewards of his investment, being presented a rebate check last month in the amount of $48,987.83 from local utility company New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG). This represents more than a 50 percent ROI delivered in less than 11 months.
Today Salvatore's Grand Hotel is maintaining a 5-Star guest experience while dramatically saving energy, thanks to this innovative technology integration.
The Mesh network installed at Salvatore's Grand Hotel reduces energy consumption when sold and unsold guestrooms are left vacant. Heating and air conditioning units (PTACs) drop back to pre-set temperatures and bedside lamps turn off when rooms are empty. All in-room control systems are networked together to facilitate remote guestroom control through the cloud and at the hotel front desk.
Based on occupancy, front desk staff can put a stop to energy waste by turning on or off room lighting and HVAC units when guests are not in their rooms. This not only reduces energy costs, but it is respectful of the guest experience. In addition, because these controls are managed in the cloud, it is possible to monitor energy consumption online from anywhere in the world.
Financing Program Coming Soon
Over the next 30 days, ZENO Controls will unveil a new financing program that will enable hoteliers to install Verve wireless guestroom controls, ZENO gateway products and InnPoint software with no upfront costs or out of pocket investment. The program will be structured as an 80/20 revenue share with returns coming from energy rebates. After a pre-determined contract term, the hotel will own the ZENO/Verve solution outright. The program and technology package is customizable and can be expanded over time.
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