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HITEC NEWS: UIEvolution Campaign Manager Brings Digital Signage to Guest Devices

UIEvolution’s Campaign Manager is a new interactive platform that connects digital signage, in-room TVs and guest mobile technology. Engineered by UIEvolution, a company with a proven track record creating rich, cross-platform native experiences across connected devices, Campaign Manager enables a richer guest experience by providing them with increased options and versatility.
Prudent hoteliers have wizened to the fact that it’s an increasingly technologically mobile world, understanding that guests’ personal mobile devices must be leveraged to make their guests’ stays more enjoyable. Campaign Manager enables guests to enjoy the personalized mobile entertainment environment that they have grown accustomed to at home while they’re at your hotel.
After putting in months of uninterrupted labor, imagine finally arriving in Maui for a work-free week of bliss and relaxation. You’ve finally made it to the resort you spent months researching. While checking in, you notice digital signage containing a world of information you know would make your vacation that much more memorable.
Today, guests are constantly on the move. They don’t have the time or patience to stand and engage with big, stationary, static screens, especially while on vacation or during a business trip. Campaign Manager allows digital signage to become portable. It becomes an interactive and engaging advertisement of convenience for the guest, who will undoubtedly open up his or her wallet at some of the suggestions it conveys. The platform allows guests to take signage content and special offers with them, enabling them to make dinner reservations or book a spa treatment from their own mobile device. This ability provides independence and convenience for the guest. 
Decades ago, hotels generated revenue from guest phone calls and purchases of in-room movies.  Today, guests carry their own content on tablets, smartphones and laptops—and when they have downtime, they want to pick up where they left off on a series on, say, Netflix.
Using HTML5, the platform allows hotels to quickly and easily change on-site signage via a process akin to updating a blog. If there’s a steakhouse at your hotel that’s crowded with a two hour wait time, you can quickly change both digital signage and in-room TV messaging to announce a happy hour at the less busy Mexican restaurant at the other end of the hotel. That way, you don’t lose business to potential restaurant-goers who begin thinking about leaving the hotel grounds to satiate their appetites instead of waiting for a spot at the steakhouse to become available. If you’re a restaurateur in Seattle, for example, who frequently serves visitors from Japan who don’t speak English, Campaign Manager enables a menu to be quickly and automatically translated into their native language so they can better understand what to order. 
Campaign Manager enables a more efficiently run business that generates more revenue and leaves customers increasingly satisfied.
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