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Heartland and Digital Dining Serve Up Secure, EMV-Ready POS Solution for Restaurants

Heartland Payment Systems and Digital Dining, now certified by Heartland, are together offering an EMV-ready and Heartland Secure out-of-scope, point-of-sale (POS) solution to restaurants operating in the United States.
As restaurants prepare for the Oct. 1 EMV liability shift, when all financial liability for counterfeit, lost and stolen card transactions shifts to the party who is not EMV compliant, they are realizing EMV alone is not enough to protect their businesses from card data being stolen as a result of a breach.

Created to be a game changer for restaurants as they prepare for the upcoming liability shift on Oct. 1 of this year, the solution reduces the opportunity for criminals to steal and monetize card data. Restaurant operators with a Digital Dining EMV-ready, Heartland Secure-certified POS solution, who are processing with Heartland, are also fully protected by Heartland’s comprehensive breach warranty.

The solution in intended for high-volume and high-end restaurants that want to be out of scope and have the ability to accept EMV-enabled credit and debit cards and mobile payment brands, like Apple Pay.

The Heartland Secure out-of-scope solution takes the POS system completely out of the payment authorization process and PA-DSS scope, resulting in no cardholder data ever sent to the POS.

POS companies, such as Digital Dining, that interface with Heartland’s out-of-scope solution do not need to code to certify for EMV, which gets them to market faster and at significantly lower costs.
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