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GetApp: 82% of Customers Expect Contactless Experiences in 2021 and Beyond

In a recent survey of 1,000 customers, GetApp found that contactless experiences have become the new normal for consumers and will continue to be an important part of their shopping behaviors even when the pandemic is finally over. 

Hotels and restaurants are not immune to this desire from consumers, says Brian Westfall, a Principal Analyst covering the HR and LMS software markets for GetApp.

"Our research shows that contactless experiences are going to be incredibly important to consumers long-term," Westfall explains. "So if hotels or restaurants quickly implemented contactless systems during the pandemic for safety reasons, they need to evaluate if that technology is going to keep providing value when the pandemic is over.

"I think the most dangerous assumption hotels or restaurants can make right now is that because they have contactless payments or curbside pickup or delivery in place, that they can check that box; that it’s done. The reality is it’s never done. These businesses need to keep getting customer feedback on where their contactless experiences aren’t living up to expectations and invest in technology that will fill in those gaps. If they don’t, bigger businesses and chains that have an advantage in contactless experiences will take those customers," Westfall adds.

In fact, GetApp's survey found that 75% of consumers say they are likely to switch retailers or service providers to those with better contactless services, such as larger chains. This is especially true of Gen z (persons born after 1996), where 90% said they would switch businesses based on the contactless experience.

To learn more about GetApp's survey and its results, check out their recent blog post! You'll also find some information on the topic: Three ways to improve contactless customer experiences!

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