CASE STUDY: DavidsTea Ramps Up Efficiencies with New POS
DAVIDsTEA has had its milestones of success over the years – launching and opening their first store in 2008 in Montreal, Canada, expanding to the United States in 2011, and reaching over 200 stores opened in 2016. Their approach to the customer experience is a belief that tea is a journey where fun, wellness and knowledge never end. Their storefront and technology are no different. With more than 100 types of tea and the largest collection of organic teas and infusions in North America, the retail brand’s main intention of bringing quality tea and above-and-beyond service to their customers is, and needed to remain, consistent across their store expansions.
“It’s no secret that we offer a fun and accessible in-store experience,” says April Sabral, Vice President of Retail Sales and Store Operations. “As we approached our 10th anniversary, we needed to find a way to simplify the shopping experience for our educated fan base who know what they like and visit our stores to purchase their favourite blends, or even a single cup.”
Always looking to enhance their tea storytelling through innovative store design, DAVIDsTEA recently tested a new store concept with cutting-edge fixtures and an increased selection of pre-packed tea. DT 2.0 was designed to better accommodate customers according to their purchasing habits, particularly those in a rush, but they needed the technology to support it.
Any new workstation considered for their POS system would need to play a pivotal role in being able to streamline store flow. This pilot refresh wasn’t just about appearances or the front-end experience, either. The retailer was also revamping its Microsoft Dynamics ERP, which meant making software decisions that would support its growth in the future.