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Burger King Franchisee Cuts Employee Turnover in Half with Job Network

2009 continues to be a tough year for restaurant operators and it only seems to be getting tougher. While many companies continue to lose sales, it is important to note that many quick service restaurant chains and franchisees like Burger King have posted impressive sales growth. Based on conversations with many multi-unit Burger King franchisees using JobApp Network's hiring management system, most have experienced significant increases in comparable-store sales for 2009.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job losses of 2008 reached 2.6 million and the losses have continued to accelerate into 2009. But the flip side of these losses is that it has produced a talent rich environment where up to 10 applicants a day are walking into restaurants — manager and employee interruptions are getting very costly not to mention the volumes of information that need to be sorted through and remembered to identify the best of the best. With better talent than ever before walking in the door, restaurants need a quick way to identify those "Top Guns" quickly for their managers.

Hiring the best team possible
According to Glen Helton, president and COO of Strategic Restaurants Inc. which operates 264 Burger King Restaurants, "Our business success is driven by staffing our restaurants with the best team members possible to ensure that we are providing the best product and service to our customers. With the talent available in today's market, we realized that we needed a method to get to the best candidates quickly. Last year, we decided to evaluate the JobApp Network hiring management system in 48 of our restaurants in Kansas City and the Gulf region — after extremely positive results and great feedback from both our restaurant and area managers, we are rolling JobApp Network into our remaining 216 restaurants."

According to Tammy Taylor, VP of training and human resources, "In the initial 6 months study, JobApp Network reduced our turnover by 51 percent and it continues to improve our entire operations. The true advantage of JobApp over other solutions is that JobApp is simple for the managers to use, extremely effective for crew positions, and includes the ability to accept applications by phone and web."

JobApp Network's Burger King Restaurant employee hiring management solution has been in production since early 2008 and has had outstanding success. JobApp Network also provides solutions for other leading restaurant brands, including Church's Chicken, Applebee's, Subway, IHOP, Taco Bell, and Arby's.
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