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Best Western Taps Lixto for Rate Parity Compliance

Best Western International, Inc. has opted to employ the Price Intelligence Suite for Travel from Lixto, Inc.
The Lixto Price Intelligence Suite for Travel is a web extraction and analysis solution that allows revenue and general managers to access and monitor information on thousands of properties and rate points across multiple websites. Best Western will use the SaaS-based suite to help assure rate parity compliance among all of the corporation’s more than 4,000 independently owned and operated hotels.
“The comprehensive information from the Price Intelligence Suite will help Best Western International gain a clearer picture of rate compliance across the Web for all of our properties,” explains Dorothy Dowling, senior vice president of marketing and sales for Best Western. “Better, faster communication with our properties about rate inconsistencies will enable us to address issues quickly.”
Rate parity refers to the ability for a hotel to maintain the same rate structure across all its distribution channels. When a hotel can effectively control rate parity, consumers’ confidence in obtaining best and consistent rates increases, and bookings grow. Rate parity is critical in protecting a hotel’s relationship with all of its franchisors and properties, as well as constituencies ranging from meeting planners to online travel agencies and booking companies.
The Price Intelligence Suite for Travel enables sophisticated price and margin management by monitoring properties, features and prices on any website, anchored against a company’s own data. The suite also monitors qualitative consumer ranking and review information. Users receive extracted data results online through easy-to-read dashboard reports that highlight possible threats and opportunities, and support decision-making that can positively impact volume, margins and the bottom line. The suite offers e-mail updates, drill-down capabilities and browser-based data access.
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