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ALICE Launches Hospitality App with Real-Time Translation Capability

In an effort to facilitate foreign language communication between travelers and those that serve them, ALICE, a mobile service-on-demand platform for hospitality, launched the industry’s first-ever app with real-time translation.

The traditional approach to translation is a manual process and applies only to static content – individual words and phrases – but ALICE says it sets out to blend real-time and manual translation in a seamless way. To overcome inefficiencies, ALICE has developed a solution that elegantly blends manual translation and machine automation, leveraging cutting-edge machine-learning technology to ensure constant improvement. The more the service is used, the “smarter” and stronger it will become.

The service will be offered in 30 languages and is available across the entire ALICE suite, including its free-form text functionality. This means that a guest can send a message in German to an Italian-speaking hotelier, who, through the ALICE app, will receive the message in Italian. When he or she replies the message will be translated to German for the guest.

But it is not just a guest enabler; multi-cultural hotel’s staff can use it among themselves just as practically, writing internal comments in any language with the translation becoming available in real-time. This is all done behind the scenes. The only thing that each staff member needs to do is set their language of choice. 

ALICE currently works with properties on three continents, from Shangri La’s Hotel Jen in Australia to the Setai in Miami.
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