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TraknProtect Earns OnWatch Certification for Efforts Towards the Reduction of Sex Trafficking in Hotels

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TraknProtect is now a certified OnWatch™ Advocate after training 100% of its company employees on how to recognize and report sex trafficking through the survivor-led and informed OnWatch™ education platform.

Introduced nationally last year by Safe House Project and the Malouf Foundation, OnWatch™ is a virtual, anti-trafficking training service available for free at Through true survivor experiences, industry experts explain the key indicators of trafficking, as well as how users can support a survivor’s path to freedom.

“The heartbeat of TraknProtect is to keep people safe. Every day our team is working alongside the hospitality industry, a critical sector for preventing sex trafficking, to keep people safe while traveling. When we learned about Safe House Project’s work with the hospitality industry to eradicate sex trafficking, it was a natural fit. We want our people to be part of the solution to end trafficking not only in the hospitality sector, but across America. We are proud to say that TraknProtect is OnWatch™ to spot, report, and prevent trafficking.,” said Parminder Batra, CEO & Founder of TraknProtect.

OnWatch™ Executive Director Brittany Dunn said, “Over the years we have been proud to partner with TraknProtect, and now we’re excited to officially recognize TraknProtect as a certified OnWatch™ Advocate.”

Kristi Wells, CEO of Safe House Project adds, “The hospitality industry has a critical role to play in helping disrupt trafficking on their property, keep patrons safe, and report suspected trafficking. When everyone is OnWatch™ where they live, work, and play, it helps us increase victim identification above 1%, but more importantly education is key to helping prevent trafficking.”

Sex trafficking is a hard issue, but it is a solvable issue. Take the OnWatch™ training today, so you can be part of the movement to end trafficking in America.

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