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TouchPoint Science Makes Common Hospitality Surfaces Safer to Touch

In this unprecedented COVID-19 world, no industry has seen more economic hardship then hospitality and travel.  According to economic modeling the US loses an average of $923 million in earnings and nearly 17,000 jobs in hospitality each day that businesses are shut down.1. 

Regionally, Atlanta is one of the top 10 markets with a high density of hospitality-related jobs and touts the world’s busiest airport.   So the impact in areas that rely heavily on travel are hit even harder.  But out of challenge comes ingenuity, imagination and innovation – enter TouchPoint Science. 

TouchPoint Science, has come up with a transformational solution that helps ease the COVID-related anxiety of being exposed to germs by touching things in common public spaces. Safertouch™ is  a thin polymer film embedded with EPA registered antimicrobial agents that prevent the growth of microorganisms. Safertouch adheres to important and common touch points to help keep surfaces cleaner and creates a barrier between guest to guest contact.

“Airlines, hotels and rental car services, among others have increased safety and cleanliness protocols due to the COVID-19 pandemic and that includes frequently disinfecting surfaces and high-touch objects. Safertouch helps protect employees and customers by keeping surfaces cleaner and safer – which is critical during these uncertain times,” said Jim Loricchio, Founder of TouchPoint Science.

Safertouch uses the same agents proven effective for decades in medical devices, wound care gauze, sportswear, protective equipment, and other applications.  Safertouch can be used for almost any application, like doorknobs, vending machines, elevator buttons and handrails protecting these surfaces in between cleanings. The company even offers a iPad Touch Screen Overlay, which has multiple applications for restaurants’ ordering systems, hotels’ and airlines’ check in systems, retail checkout systems, and more.

In addition:


  • Prevents the growth of microorganisms, and helps keep surfaces safer in between cleanings.
  • Lasts for approximately six months and should be replaced every six months or when screens are noticeably worn.
  • Provides an extra layer of protection but does not replace normal cleaning or sanitization practices. 
  • Is safe to use.
  • Is appropriate for indoor and outdoor applications.
  • Will help with a safer return to work in our “new normal,” in conjunction with regular handwashing, social distancing, proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and other CDC guidelines.
  • How do you know if a surface has Safertouch?  Look for the blue fingerprint awareness sticker or indicator.

The company has partnered with a variety of industries in:  Breakroom Services, Gas Stations, Government, Grocery Stores, Hospitality / Hotels, Hospitals, Manufacturing, Transportation, Office Management, Restaurant / Fast Food and Retail, among others.

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