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Restaurant Revolution Technologies' Call Center Services Go Virtual

Restaurant Revolution Technologies, Inc. (RRT), a provider of order management, call center and technology solutions for restaurant operators helping them to manage and optimize their off-premises takeout orders, said it completely moved its call center services to a virtual model – blazing new trails and frontiers within the restaurant industry.
Unlike traditional call centers that operate in “brick and mortar” buildings with enormous fixed costs and limited recruiting and scheduling flexibility, the virtual call center services offered by RRT allows for a more cost-effective and flexible model by utilizing highly screened and trained independent agents that are operating during the hours set by the call volumes of the restaurant client. The virtual call center model also provides an exceptional customer experience and empowers local restaurant management to focus on their core business – dine-in guests and the in-house customer experience. The move to an “all virtual” call center model began in early 2016 as RRT gradually transitioned existing clients from the more traditional call center format over the course of the year while also adding newly partnered restaurant clients to the new virtual model.
Because of the move, RRT is able to recruit and hire virtual agents with experience in the hospitality and customer service fields who are accustomed to handling the unique demands restaurants face with their customers. As such, RRT has progressively moved away from hiring people with traditional call center backgrounds to hire people who clearly understand that their roles are not as “order takers” but as brand representative servers that enter into “conversations” with customers to build relationships on behalf of the restaurants.
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