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Processing Speed Tops Big Data Management Concerns

While the importance of Big Data isn't lost on business leaders, the use of analytics tools that measure latency, integrate data from diverse sources and process data quick enough for end-users remains a lost art.

Nearly four in five IT managers use capacity management in their Big Data implementations, according to a global survey from Kelton Research commissioned by TeamQuest. Global survey responses reveal that organizations have several challenges managing Big Data.
Biggest challenges associated with managing Big Data:
  • Processing data fast enough to meet end-user needs
  • Integrating data from diverse sources
  • Managing the quantity of storage used
  • Satisfying demand from users
  • Maintaining availability and keeping their systems running reliably
"Proper and mature capacity management tools and processes help organizations maximize the performance of their Big Data environments," says Director of Product Management Scott Adams. "The smart organizations are using capacity management tools to get the most from their Big Data implementation and the more mature organizations are realizing the benefits."

Organizations using mature capacity management practices had fewer challenges associated with managing Big Data. According to the survey, only 112 respondents who scored at a maturity level of proactive or higher experienced challenges as compared to more than 220 who scored at the chaotic/reactive maturity level.

Discover more information on the survey.

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