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PAR Technology & TempAlert Announce IoT Partnership

ParTech, Inc. (PAR), a leading global provider of point of sale (POS) and workforce efficiency solutions to the restaurant and retail market, announced that TempAlert, a specialist in temperature monitoring, has become an IoT integration partner with PAR’s SureCheck Advantage Food Safety Solution.
ParTech, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of PAR Technology Corporation.
TempAlert will seamlessly integrate with SureCheck to enable 24x7 remote monitoring. Combined, these solutions maximize operational efficiency, compliance, and quality control.  SureCheck has layered in remote sensor technology, which combined with Intelligent Checklists, Mobility, and Cloud, ensures critical temperatures are consistently captured and monitored in kitchens, serving areas, holding areas, and while in transit, from ‘farm to fork.’ The SureCheck solution is further strengthened by TempAlert IoT to go further in protecting brands, consumers, and the bottom-line.
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