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Joie de Vivre Strengths Central Systems in Advance of Expansion

Joie de Vivre Hospitality has selected the comprehensive Micros Opera Enterprise Solution as its next generation hotel management software. The first phase, beginning with the rollout of the Opera Customer Information System, commenced in December 2010, and will continue with the installation of Opera Business Intelligence and Opera Sales Force Automation Software System.
Joie de Vivre, a fully centralized Opera Property Management System (OPMS) customer, has an established reputation for creating one of the most unique collections of lifestyle hotels. With a rapidly expanding estate consisting of one-of-a-kind properties, Joie de Vivre requires an innovative enterprise software solution to complement its fresh, inventive, and casual brand personality.  Joie de Vivre selected Micros Opera for its ability to provide a powerful, state-of-the art, fully integrated solution from a hosted site in Joie de Vivre’s San Francisco Datacenter, facilitating easy deployment, training, and infrastructure management.  
Opera’s hotel management software and core central systems allow for resources to be shared between the modules to build a robust customer database, providing Joie de Vivre employees with immediate access to any level of information at anytime. With one central profile database, Joie de Vivre can significantly extend sales and customer relationships to improve the overall guest experience and provide employees with the tools to operate at maximum efficiency.  
“I cannot express how powerful Micros’ hosted Opera Property Management System has been for Joie de Vivre and we look forward to further increasing our top line revenue and bottom line profits by taking advantage of more of Opera’s features,” says Michael Stano, vice president of technology, Joie de Vivre. “While the individual system is feature rich and provides the tools necessary to support a hotel’s sales strategies independently, the power of the integrated database sets the Micros solution apart.  Deploying OCIS allowed us to solve long standing problems around our front desk staff being able to effectively access information about our most loyal guests (our Joy of Life Club members). Additionally, OCIS combined with OBI will give the brand ready access to essential data about our customers and the business as a whole.”
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