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IDeaS Achieves Global Customer Support Certification from Hotel Tech Report

IDeaS Revenue Solutions has received Hotel Tech Report's Level III Global Customer Support Certification (GCSC). Awarded for its heavy investments into tools, processes and strategies to ensure the ongoing success of its clients, IDeaS earned high scores across all four key pillars of the GCSC Rubric including: pre-emptive support, reactive support, coaching and customer validation.

The GCSC certification program analyzes software vendors along critical dimensions of customer support infrastructure to help hoteliers minimize risk and maximize positive outcomes when selecting technology partners. To become certified, companies must open their internal systems to Hotel Tech Report for assessment along a rigorous 34-point rubric.

The below GCSC assessment summary outlines the verified systems and processes IDeaS has in place to educate, train, retain and support clients:

  • Rubric Score: 32/34
  • Certification Level: III
  • Customer Orientation: Customer Centric
  • Recommendation: Highly Recommended
  • IDeaS Support Team Size: 150+
  • Support Team Leaders: Greg Myers, chief client officer
  • Certification Period: November 6, 2019 – November 6, 2020
  • Support Stack: Intellum, Salesforce, Qualtrics, WalkMe, Bright Idea

Adam Hollander, co-founder, Hotel Tech Report, says, "Where IDeaS' support really stands out is in its tireless efforts to educate hoteliers across the globe. This is the gold standard when it comes to educating clients on product value and something only a company with IDeaS' technical wherewithal, extensive resources and 30-year track record can really execute on. Hotels who invest in IDeaS don't just get a great product — they get expertise and education that makes their entire organization more revenue savvy and profitable. That's something that shouldn't be underestimated when considering IDeaS as a partner."


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