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How LuLu Group’s Retail Arm Tablez Built a CRM of 190,000 Users


Marketing to enthusiastic and engaged customers is the goal of every marketing program. Repeat customers are one of the biggest determiners of whether a business succeeds or fails. But before you can market to an eager audience, you must capture data.

Tablez, a franchising company that specializes in local and international food chains needed to build a user database. The food & beverage chain operates 35 outlets in two countries, needing to consolidate and categorize any collected user interest and demographic information across the portfolio.

The Solution

Each of the locations owned and operated by the restaurant chain had wireless access points installed. Using Aislelabs’ cloud based architecture, the Connect solution was integrated with the pre-existing infrastructure and no new hardware was needed to be purchased or installed. Once deployed, Aislelabs Connect offered free guest Wi-Fi through email and Facebook sign-ups. This allowed Connect to collect valuable and actionable demographic, interests, and contact information from customers who signed into the Wi-Fi network. Information such as age, gender, location, interests, and what they like were collected from each Facebook sign up.


The Results
Before launching Aislelabs Connect, the food and beverage franchise chain owner had no CRM and zero users in any database. Connect was used to generate 100% of all sign-ups. Over the course of sixteen months, the owner was able to expand from no user information to over 190,000 users complete with demographic and interests information. They then used this user base to launch a new store.

Leveraging our big data platform with deep learning capabilities Aislelabs drives targeted social WiFi marketing campaigns to build audience profiles complete with customer behaviour, interests, and demographic information. Aislelabs’ cloud management system, technology, and innovative product suite provides the most advanced solution for real-time location marketing, advertising, and analytics.

In this case, we have a chain of 35 restaurants using the Aislelabs solution. Each location required 3 access points at a cost of $200 per unit and there was a one time hardware setup cost of $500. The total one time cost for hardware was $21,000. With 190,000 customers signing on to the guest WiFi over that period, the cost per user acquisition is $0.495.

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