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Cloud-Based Platform Reveals How Menu and Server Performance Impact Sales

Swipely, a simple way for merchants to understand customers and grow sales, unveiled its “Winter ‘14” release to connect menu, staff and customer insights with Swipely’s cloud-based platform. The new release extends Swipely’s service to help its restaurant and hospitality customers make smarter decisions about their key drivers: food, staff and marketing.
About two thirds of Swipely’s customers are in the hospitality sector, including more than 1,000 restaurants and bars in over 33 U.S. states, such as Rosa Mexicano, Sarabeth’s, Tremont 647, Anna Maria’s Oyster Bar, Fresh To Order, and many more.
Swipely’s new Winter ‘14 features support many market-leading point of sale
systems, allowing small business owners to spend less time crunching numbers and more time delighting customers by providing actionable insights to improve menu, service and marketing. The new features are organized into two areas: menu intelligence and server performance.
Menu Intelligence
With menu intelligence in Winter ‘14, restaurants can use Swipely to gain quick insights to improve their menu, answering questions like:
? Which entrÉes are most likely to create a loyal, repeat customer?
? What do customers say online about this dish? (40% of reviews mention menu items)
? What is my best customer’s favorite glass of wine?
? Which server has the most success selling the crÈme brÛlÉe?
? What popular pairings could help lift the average ticket amount?
? How would changing the price of margaritas impact my profits?
Server Performance
Over 13 million people work at U.S. restaurants. With Winter ‘14, Swipely turns server
performance data into actionable insights so managers can coach staff, increase sales and
reward stars on the team using leaderboards and analytics, answering questions like:
? Who are my top servers, measured by sales, customer retention or table turn?
? Why does Steve excel during in his lunch shift sales but struggle at dinner?
? Who does the best job turning a firsttime
customer into a repeat customer?
? Which server needs help learning the wine list to boost her beverage sales?
? Who does the best job selling desserts and could share tips with colleagues?
? Where should I focus training to help servers increase revenue and tips?
Swipely is a good fit for restaurants and bars grossing over $500,000 a year that want an easy way to make menu, server and marketing decisions to grow sales. Swipely also works with local merchants in other retail industries. 
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