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California Pizza Kitchen Uses Data Insights to Segment and Target Customers

Los Angeles-based California Pizza Kitchen has taken advantage of Paytronix Data Insights to segment and target customers. “The Banding Segmentation has helped us get a handle on how guests move through the Pizza Dough Rewards Program. We are able to easily identify different guest segments for promotional targeting. For example, when guests join, and then don’t return quickly – we are able to reach out to them quickly before too much time elapses,” said Ashley Ceraolo, vice president of marketing, California Pizza Kitchen. “Data Insights at Paytronix has enabled us to gain a better understanding of our guests. We are using this guest knowledge to boost engagement levels in targeted segments of our member population.”
Paytronix Systems, Inc. has announced upgrades to its premium Data Insights offering: Advanced Targeting and a Loyalty Report Card. These new capabilities help restaurants and retailers to better segment and influence their customers while also providing a reporting and operational improvement tool for their loyalty programs.
Paytronix Data Insights combines out-of-the-box dashboard reports with a team of experienced analysts to help uncover actionable insights from disparate data sources. With Paytronix Data Insights, restaurants and retailers can synthesize data from sources such as loyalty programs, email clubs, guest surveys, social networks, and online ordering to achieve a complete view of their guests and, ultimately, to send more relevant offers to guests and increase overall sales.
Paytronix has expanded its Data Insights with new capabilities that include:
Advanced Targeting to enable Relevant Communications
New, out-of-the box analytics help restaurants and retailers communicate to guests and influence their behavior with segmentation, targeted marketing and relevant messaging.
RFM Banding – Measures the value of each guest by frequency and spend each quarter, then segments them into platinum, gold, silver, bronze or lapsed categories.  These bands are automatically available to use as filters for marketers to enable differentiated offers based on customer value.
Guest Potential – Assesses value of each guest by most recent quarterly activity as well as overall history including geographic, purchase and seasonal measures, then prescribes ways to engage to improve their overall performance.  For instance, a customer who visits frequently, might also be encourage to takeout orders.
Leverage Check-Level Details – Analyzes individual purchasing patterns, then segments guests by behavior into actionable segments, based on factors such as how often they buy the same thing over and over again (Sticklers) or that like to try different things (Samplers), or their history of using coupons and other discounts, to identify those that are motivated by discounts, and those that are willing to pay full price.  Armed with this information, marketers can target only those likely to respond to an offer, and avoid offering discounts to customers that are willing to pay full price.
Loyalty Report Card
The Data Insights Loyalty Report Card builds on the quantitative loyalty benchmarks that are already offered to customers, to include qualitative measures and performance against best practices.  By homing in on key performance metrics such as loyalty penetration and non-member conversion, and identifying gaps in trigger campaigns and other targeted marketing, the Report Card benchmarks a loyalty program against industry best practices. Data Insights then prescribes corresponding campaigns and activities, such as how to link to an enrollment goal or increase penetration and non-loyalty conversion that will drive improvements on both the store and program levels.
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