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Arby's Slashes Energy Use by 15 Percent

Arby’s Restaurant Group, Inc., franchisor of the iconic quick-service sandwich chain with nearly 3,400 Arby’s restaurants worldwide, has announced energy reduction savings as part of a company-wide effort to lessen environmental impact. The sustainability efforts are a key component in Arby’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy to be a responsible and “ResourceFULL” corporate citizen.
Arby’s Restaurant Group, Inc. achieved a 7.6 percent reduction in Energy Use Intensity (a unit of measurement for analyzing a building’s energy use) as a result of a variety of  energy initiatives implemented in 2013 as part of the Efficiency Matters program. Efficiency Matters is a cost-saving energy management platform developed to help improve efficiencies in restaurants and reduce energy consumption and associated  environmental and community impacts.
In 2013-2014, ARG focused on eight key energy initiatives, including:
  1. Implemented a new on/off schedule
  2. Adjusted hot water heater controls
  3. Installed aerators on hand sinks
  4. Installed low-flow spray valves in sanitizing sinks
  5. Converted evaporators of walk-in boxes (WIBs) to electronically commutated motors
  6. Installed strip curtains in the same WIBs
  7. Converted outdoor HID lights to LED lights
  8. Introduced a new asset management system; Powerhouse Dynamic’s SiteSage (formally eMonitor).
ARG continues to showcase good stewardship by minimizing the impact on the environment through the efficient use of energy. Between 2011 and 2013, the company made the following energy and resource savings:
• 90,247,788 kilowatt hours (kWh) in electricity, which equates to:
• 62,230 MTCO2e: (metric tons of carbon dioxide)
• 303,106 Therms (natural gas), which equates to CO2 emissions from consuming over 80,000 gallons of gasoline
• 75,761 k-gals of water, which equates to: Enough to fill 115 Olympic-sized pools
To achieve these savings, ARG implemented a number of energy efficiency upgrades including  the following lighting enhancements  in restaurants with plans for more:
• Neon to LED banding (70 restaurants) – Savings: 549,500 kWh
• T12 to T8 interior lighting (200 restaurants) – Savings: 5,400, 000 kWh
• HID (High Intensity Discharge) to LED exterior lighting (102 restaurants) – Savings: 1,161,576 kWh
Overall, the sum of the savings between 2011 and 2013 has provided significant environmental benefits equivalent to:
• Removing over 13,000 passenger cars from the road for one year
• Avoiding the emissions from almost 6,000 homes’ energy use for one year
• Growing over 1.6 million tree seedlings for 10 years.

Arby's energy efficiency partners, including Ecova and Powerhouse Dynamics, have been instrumental in helping the Arby’s brand realize these cost and energy savings. Arby's has set a goal of achieving 15 percent Energy Use Intensity reduction by 2015 in company-owned restaurants (vs. a 2011 baseline).

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