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5 Ways a Virtual Executive Assistant Can Help Hotel Executives

Discover how Virtual Executive Assistants (VEAs) can revolutionize hotel management by enhancing operational efficiency, cutting costs, and providing strategic support for tech-savvy hotel IT leaders.

A hotel executive’s role is different almost every day. It’s that diversity that makes the position both exciting and challenging. From ensuring proper hotel operations and securing compliance to helping drive sales and overseeing events, the responsibility that comes with the job can, at times, be overwhelming no matter if the executive is managing a single property or group.  

Recently, we’ve seen an uptick in hotel executives interested in hiring a Virtual Executive Assistant (VEA) to help with such an intense workload. A VEA may not be for every hotel executive, but bringing one onboard is something to consider.   

Among other responsibilities, VEAs handle emails, schedules, and provide strategic support from a remote location, allowing seamless hotel operations without taking up office space. Here are five areas where a VEA can be an asset.

1. Time Management

Employing a Virtual Executive Assistant allows hotel executives to devote their time to high-impact growth initiatives and enhancing guest satisfaction, leading to more streamlined and successful hotel operations.

  • Administrative Focus: VEAs handle routine admin tasks that are often a time-suck for hotel executives, enabling more effective and focused leadership. 
  • Disruption Management: VEAs manage unexpected operational disruptions, minimizing the need for direct executive intervention.

2. Cost Efficiency

Effectively managing hotels requires economic prudence. Hiring a VEA offers significant cost advantages that can make a substantial difference:

  • Lower Overhead: Reduces the costs linked with on-site staff, such as benefits, office space, and equipment, which is especially crucial when managing multiple properties.
  • Direct Payment for Services: Executives pay exclusively for the services needed, which allows precise budget control and ensures there’s not an overspend on unneeded full-time salaries.
  • Access to Nationwide Talent: The ability to hire from a national talent pool means the perfect fit can be found for specific operational needs without geographic restrictions, often at a more competitive price.

3. Strategic Support

Effective hotel management, whether for a single property or group, involves more than just overseeing day-to-day activities. It requires a strategic approach to enhance the overall guest experience and operational efficiency. A VEA supports these higher-level operations through:

  • Communication Coordination: VEAs play a vital role in ensuring smooth communication and coordination across different departments. This is especially beneficial when there needs to be clear communications within a group.  
  • Data Management and Analytics: Virtual Executive Assistants handle the collection and analysis of data, preparing reports that offer valuable insights into guest feedback and performance metrics. This capability supports informed decision-making and strategy adjustments as needed.

4. Administrative Efficiency

A Virtual Executive Assistant streamlines the internal administrative processes that are important for a hotel's success. VEAs support hotel executives in managing core operations by:

  • Internal Coordination: Through communicating across multiple departments, VEAs prepare for and schedule executive-level meetings, distributing agendas, and following up on action items to improve decision-making and project management. This helps ensure that all parts of the hotel operate in harmony. 
  • Efficient Task Management: By handling day-to-day administrative duties such as email management, document preparation, and data entry, Virtual Executive Assistants allow executives to focus on operational improvements.

5. Online Systems Management

Maintaining organized and efficient online systems is crucial for hotel operational success and guest satisfaction. A Virtual Executive Assistant provides critical support by focusing on behind-the-scenes:

  • CRM System Oversight: VEAs manage Customer Relationship Management systems across all properties, ensuring that guest interactions are accurately logged and communications are seamless.
  • Data Management / Reporting and Digital File Organization: Virtual Executive Assistants handle the consolidation and reporting of essential data that aids in strategic decision-making and operational assessments. They also maintain digital files and documents so that important information is easily accessible and secure.

While we have seen more interest from hotel executives in hiring VEAs, bringing one onboard is not for everyone. Whether managing one or multiple properties, some still prefer having assistants sitting close by at a desk. But, as we all know, since the pandemic, remote work has become normalized, and for those executives who have gone the VEA route, the decision has proven to be a solid and strategic one.  



About the Author

Kenzie Biggins is CEO of Worxbee, a provider of specialized Virtual Executive Assistant (VEA) services tailored to enhance the productivity of leaders and professionals across diverse industries, empowering them to focus on their vision, strategy, and high-impact initiatives.

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