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Post-MURTEC Insights From Bite

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What were the highlights at MURTEC 2923: All In for you and your brand? 

Kiosk proof-of-concept projects have now begun to evolve into kiosk initiatives. Many brands have now proven the value of on-premise digital ordering solutions. They are now seeking a vendor that can excel at delivering a great customer experience while integrating seamlessly into restaurant technologies and operations!  

What did you learn from MURTEC networking and educational sessions? 

Brands want to move fast! It feels like everyone got a crash course on buying technology during the pandemic and the brands got really good at evaluating, testing, buying, and deploying technology. This is exciting for the industry as a whole to innovate so quickly!

What solutions did you present to the MURTEC community? 

We displayed our integrated and intelligent ordering software solution for kiosks.

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