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Surveying hotels on the status of their digital journeys re­veals a hyper-focus on three areas: mo­bility, digital customer engagement and connectivity through Internet of Things policy. These segments of interest align with broader strategic goals for hotel technology investments in 2018. Looking at operators who identify as frontrunners in these three areas, pat­terns emerge in what innovators do differently from the competition and where they are in agreement with other leaders.

Key Findings:

  • 94% of hotels that are leaders in guest mobility will invest technology budgets in analytics.
  • As connected hotel systems become more prevalent, security will take more of IT budgets. Security is a top allocation for technology spending for 74% of hoteliers.
  • 53% of hotels say in-room automation is a top technology objective in 2018.
  • 88% of leaders in digital engagement will have location-based technologies by 2020.
  • Location-based systems, mobile key and analytics are top technologies poised for growth by 2020.


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